The PairOfMixed relation.The PairMemberOf relation is a specialisation of the PartOf relation and contributes as such to the definition of the partonomic hierarchy of TAH. The PairMemberOf relation is a link between a father material unpaired set and a child material singular paired entity. Its target is to define a symmetrical pair out of an unpaired set. It follows that the generator of the set is also the taxonomic father of the generator of the pair.Example: [par membrorum superiorum] -> (PairMemberOf) -> [classis partium principalium corporis humani], with the verified condition: [membrum superius] -> (ISA) -> [pars principalis corporis humani].Name: PairOfMixedAcronym: UOXConceptual schema: [Child entity A] -> (PairOfMixed) -> [Father entity B]Child entity A: material paired entityFather entity B: mixed set entity.